Process & Workflow
Below is an example of our process and workflow. We have used the below example to create a 3D External Artist Impression, a similar process and workflow is also used for internal renders, 2d colour floor plans and 3D floor plans.
Step 1 - Files Required
Initially we require your detailed plans, elevations, site plan ect. in pdf format. We may also require the CAD file or .dwg file from your architect or designer depending on how complex the design is.
If you have any site photos, images of houses you like, reference images ect. please send these through also, the more information we receive from you the more accurate the final result will be to what you require.
The purpose of supplying as much detail as possible is to insure the first draft that is sent through is as close as possible to the design and look that you would like to achieve and to reduce the amount of drafts and time taken to produce these drafts.
We will also require the approximate location or viewpoint so that we can set up camera angles to capture the elevation or direction that your require for your project.
Our usual standard image size of the final image is 4000 x 3000 pixels which are suitable for web, brochures, print media and small signboards. If you require the final image to be printed on a large signboard or billboard we would need to know the dimensions, pixels and DPI required for the final image. If you do not know this information your printing company can supply these details to you. There is limitations to how large we can produce certain renders, these vary from project to project depending on the detail and alot of other factors.

The above images are only part of the detailed plans that we require.
Step 2 - 3D Model Creation
From the information supplied we create the 3D model and set up multiple viewpoints for you to choose from. Drafts are sent through and you are required to select a viewpoint that you would like us to continue with and also any initial changes to the 3D model are required. If changes are required we would send through another draft including the changes and of the viewpoint selected. This process is repeated until the initial model is correct. Please note that if major changes are required and you have your plans modified there may be additional charges to change the model depending on how complex they are.

The images above are examples of different viewpoint options and the initial 3D model
Step 3 - Colours, Materials & Lighting
Once the viewpoint has been chosen and any initial changes made to the model we then move forward to applying the colours, materials and lighting to the image.
At this point we require all your initial colour and material selections for your project. We understand that you may not be entirly sure on this, so again for this stage we provide further drafts. The first draft is sent through of your initial colours and materials, from there you can make changes to these and further drafts are send through. This process is repeated until you are happy with your final choices. Please note that we allow 3 lots of drafts and changes in the pricing, if more are required they may be additional charges. This is regulated on a project by project basis as every project and needs are different.

Above image is an example of the final colour, material, viewpoint and model draft.
Step 4 - Landscaping and Post Work
Once the colours, materials, viewpoint and model has been fully approved we then move forward and produce the final high resolution render to approx 4000 x 3000 pixels. Please note that at this stage once the final render has been produced there are no more changes allowed to the model, colours and materials in the pricing supplied. If further changes are required there will be additional costs involved to make these changes.
If you have any landscaping requirements, landscaping plans, photos ect. please send them through and we can incorporate your design and ideas into the image.
The Final render is then taken into photoshop to create the landscaping, backgrounds and final touch ups and detail. Landscaping, trees, plants, grass and backgrounds are created from real life photos. We have a very large gallery of these so most plants, trees and requirements will be available. If you require cars and people added to the image also please let us know as this is required for this stage also. Normally cars and people are only added to development projects for marketing purposes.
Once the Final image is fully completed and sent through you will then have the opportunity to make 1 lot of changes to the landscaping and post work step. Anything above this may incure additional charges.
As mentioned previously the standard size of the final image is 4000 x 3000 pixels if you require a high resolution size we would need to know this from the start.

The above image is an example of a fully completed final render
The process may seem quiet complicated however it is very straight forward and you are guided through each step. Alot of this work is done behind the scene's.
If you have any questions or concerns please dont hesitate to ask.
Contact us today for a free no obligation quote on your project and requirements.
Phone Nathan on 0420 422 580 or email
Or fill out the email form below